UltrAspire Isomeric 16 - 475 ml

35,00 DKK
129,00 DKK
Du sparer: 94,00 DKK
  • Køb 3 eller flere til 25,00 DKK pr stk.

Another fine hand held designed especially with humans in mind!

Bemærk: Vi holder ferie fra 15-26/7, alle ordre bestilt i dette tidsrum vil blive afsendt d. 27/7.

Go sommer :-)

Conserve your energy and carry your fluids with little effort.

This new innovative handheld is designed especially for UltrAspire's gravity assisted angled bottles.

Comes standard with a Human Ergo 16 oz. bottle.

Adjustable strap for a custom fit.



  • Flexible mesh hand strap.
  • Contours to different hand shapes.
  • Comes standard with 16 oz Human Bottle.
  • Multiple hand positioning possible and available for both left and right handed use.
  • Adjustable strap for secure yet comfortable fit in multiple hand positions.
  • Reflectivity for safety.

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